Monthly_Update Message

From: "Monthly_Update" <tim@PROTECTED>
Subject: Monthly_Update Message
Date: February 28th 2022

Who's ready for spring to arrive? Honestly I have mixed feelings, on one hand my photography services are in demand and my summer is nearly booked. On the other hand, I have not completed all the photography projects I was hoping to accomplish over this winter, so a few more weeks of freezing temperatures would have been good for my plans. In typical Midwest weather style, it's going to be in the 50's and 60's for the next few weeks and then we will get a snow storm - let's see what Mother Nature has in store for us. Lastly, thoughts and prayers to the men, women and children of Ukraine during this senseless attack by Russia.


The first image hopefully gives everyone a warm feeling as winter slowly gives way to spring. This view is from Illinois looking over to Iowa on the frozen Mississippi River, a few minutes before the sun sets beyond the horizon. Personally I love the cracks in the ice and the reflection of light across the ice surface. While taking this image, I was thinking of people who had left the area early when the sun was behind the clouds, they missed the best view plus it was gratifying that I did wait it out. The mobile image is taken from this capture. Camera Data: 70mm 1/250 sec F8 ISO400

Our second image this month is an image I am proud to present to everyone. There are numerous reasons but mainly since these two immature bald eagles were fairly close, which does not normally happen for me when two eagles are fighting over food. If you did not know, eagles are fairly lazy and look for the easiest meal possible, even if that is stealing from another bird in flight or occasionally in a tree. What made this moment special, the bird on the left kept screaming at the other bird and that is what caught my attention to start tracking these two. Camera Data: 500mm 1/1600 sec F8 ISO1600


Here's a link to download the appropriate version of this month's image for your desktop, one for standard screens and one for wide-screens along with a Mobile Phone Image. For desktop computers or tablets, Right click on the text for the format you need and select Save As, save to a location on your device and change the background as needed for your OS.

For Mobile devices, most mobile phones are straight forward to download images but Apple users might need a few tips.
Apple iOS Downloads - click the Mobile Phone link to open the image:
Without 3D Touch enabled - tap and hold on the image, select Save Image
With 3D Touch enabled - tap and hold but with no pressure on the screen, select Save Image

If anyone has problems or questions with their mobile device, let me know and I will try to assist.

Enjoy the images this month and let me know if you have any questions and comments!

Tim Lester

Email: tim@PROTECTED

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